The Alberta Beach Ag. Society was formed in February 1975. Originally it was put in place to sponsor and promote horticultural and farming within the community through lectures, demonstrations, annual bench shows, farmers markets and 4H among other things.
Today as our dedicated community has evolved, so too has the function of the Ag Society. We still promote and support "country values" by way of our farmers market, but we also offer other activities.
We are proud to be a part of a long-standing community tradition known as Polynesian Days. It takes place in August and is attended by close to 5000 people every year. A parade, outdoor movie, and many children’s activities are just some of the fun events on this long weekend. Our new venture, What Women Want, takes place in May and is an evening dedicated to women who can come out and enjoy cocktails, food, shopping, photo opportunities, door prizes, and music. The Alberta Beach Ag Society also provides scholarships to post-secondary education students and bursaries to our local junior high students at Grasmere School. In addition we support the local Beach Wave Park program.